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Feliz Navidad! let us take a moment to reflect on the true essence of this extraordinary time. It is a time when we come together as a community, united in our celebration and remembrance of the miraculous birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. 

Christmas is undeniably a momentous occasion in our faith. It serves as a beautiful reminder of God's incredible act of love and grace—His incarnation. The birth of Jesus symbolizes that God chose to step down from His heavenly throne and become fully human, entering into our world to show us His boundless mercy and offer us salvation. This act of divine humility leaves us in awe and wonder at the depth of His love for each and every one of us. During this season, let us not get lost in the busyness of the festivities, but instead, take the time to contemplate the profound meaning behind the birth of Jesus. As we set up our nativity scenes and hang our Christmas ornaments, let them serve as visual reminders of the incredible gift that God bestowed upon humanity so many years ago. 

As we immerse ourselves in the Christmas story, we are reminded that Jesus entered this world as a vulnerable and humble baby, born in a humble stable. His birth was a humble beginning that would ultimately lead to a revolutionary impact on the lives of all mankind. So, as we exchange presents, share joyous meals, and delight in the company of loved ones, let us never forget the ultimate gift of Jesus' presence in our lives. We have the opportunity not only to remember the incredible act of God's love, but also to extend that same love and grace to those around us. Just as Jesus came to bring hope, healing, and redemption, let us be His hands and feet in our communities. Let us reach out to the lonely, offer comfort to the grieving, and extend a helping hand to those in need. In doing so, we reflect His love and bring the true spirit of Christmas alive in our lives and in the lives of others. 

As we gather to worship this Christmas season, may we be awestruck by the birth of our Saviour and filled with gratitude for His tremendous sacrifice. Let us hold firm to the knowledge that God's love, grace, mercy, and salvation have been bestowed upon each and every one of us. May this Christmas be a time of unity, joy, and an opportunity to share the incomparable love of Jesus with all those we encounter. May our hearts overflow with gratitude as we remember the miracle of His birth. 

Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed and meaningful Christmas. 

In His love,
David Peñate