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I hope you’ve all been well and mightily blessed in Jesus’ name. I’m absolutely thrilled to be back amongst you all after my four-week adventurer in the USA and El Salvador. Let me tell you, the sights, sounds, and experiences from my time away have left me feeling refreshed, inspired, and even more grateful for our incredible community here. From the bustling city life of NYC to the tranquil beaches of El Salvador, I couldn’t help but see God’s goodness and love everywhere I turned. Whether it was the kindness of strangers, the beauty of nature, or the warmth of the people I met, each moment felt like a gift from above. I’m sure to tell you more about my trip as time goes on. 

As we gather together in worship and fellowship this week, I am filled with a deep sense of gratitude for the unending goodness of our Heavenly Father. It is a goodness that surpasses all understanding, a goodness that pursues us relentlessly, no matter where we may find ourselves in life. In the beautiful and soul-stirring lyrics of the song "Goodness of God," we find a profound expression of the theological truth that underpins our faith - that God is good, all the time. The lyrics remind us of the countless ways in which God has shown His goodness to us, of His unwavering faithfulness and love that knows no end. 

Let us take a moment to reflect on the times in our own lives when God's goodness has shone through, when His hand of blessing and provision has been evident. In the highs and lows, in the trials and triumphs, God's goodness has been our constant companion, guiding us, sustaining us, and leading us ever closer to His heart. I am continuously reminded of the faithfulness of our God, a faithfulness that is rooted in His goodness and grace. It is my earnest prayer that we, as a church family, will always hold fast to the belief that God is good, that His plans for us are filled with hope and purpose beyond our wildest dreams. 

May we continue to trust in His goodness, to walk in faith and confidence, knowing that we are loved beyond measure by a God whose goodness knows no end. May we be filled with gratitude and praise for His unfailing love and may we, in turn, be vessels of His goodness, spreading His light and love to all we encounter. 

With love and blessings,  David Peñate