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I hope this message finds you well and filled with the joy of the Lord. Over the past couple of days, I’ve been reading an old book—by “old,” I mean about 25 years old—that has inspired me to view life a bit differently. The author embarks on a fascinating journey to discover how we can find God in the most unexpected places; sometimes, all we have to do is look up.

Life, with all its twists and turns, often leads us to moments of uncertainty or challenge. In the hustle of our daily routines, it can be easy to become consumed by our worries and distractions, making it difficult to sense God's presence. However, when we intentionally lift our eyes and open our hearts, we can find the divine threaded through even the most mundane of moments. Consider the beauty of a sunset—those vibrant colours painting the sky remind us of God's artistry and His promise of renewal at the beginning and end of each day. Recall those small acts of kindness that we encounter: a neighbour offering help, a friend’s encouraging words, or even a stranger's smile. These may seem trivial, but they are often profound reminders of God's love and grace working through others. When we “look up,” we start to see that God's presence is often revealed in ways we might not expect. 

Psalm 121:1-2 serves as a beautiful reminder: “I lift my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” This scripture encourages us to seek our help and solace from God, who is not just above us in the heavens, but also immanently present in our daily lives. It calls us to be aware of the beauty and help that surrounds us, prompting us to look beyond our immediate circumstances into the broader tapestry of God’s creation. 

In our busy lives, how often do we take the time to pause and truly “look up?” Let’s make a conscious effort this week to practice this act of spiritual awareness. When faced with a difficult day, seek out a moment of stillness—look to nature, listen to the laughter of children, or immerse yourself in a piece of uplifting music. Find small ways to incorporate a sense of gratitude into your day, recognising that God is always at work around us. 

I invite you to share your experiences with one another. What unexpected moments have you encountered God lately? How have small surprises transformed your understanding of His presence in your life? Please consider jotting down your reflections or even sharing them with those around you. Your stories can inspire others and foster community as we celebrate the diverse ways God manifests in our lives. 

As we gather together this Sabbath, let’s come with hearts open to the unexpected. Let’s be willing to recognize the fingerprints of God in the familiar and the new, in the joy and in the struggle. Together, we can deepen our understanding of faith and find a renewed sense of hope as we support one another in our spiritual journeys.

David Peñate

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