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I hope you had a blessed week and are looking forward to the weekend. This week, I’d like to share a profound story that beautifully illustrates the transformative power of generosity and its impact on our relationship with God and others. It is the remarkable journey of John D. Rockefeller, once the richest man in the world. 

By age 25, Rockefeller controlled one of the largest oil refineries in the U.S., and by age 31, he had become the world’s largest oil refiner. At his pinnacle, by age 50, he commanded 90% of the oil refined in the nation, solidifying his status as a titan of industry. In his youth, every decision, attitude, and relationship was tailored to create his personal power and wealth. 

However, at the age of 53, Rockefeller faced an unforeseen crisis. He became seriously ill; his body was wracked with pain, and he lost all his hair. In complete agony, the world’s only billionaire found that he could buy anything he wanted, yet his diet consisted of only soup and crackers. An associate described him as unable to sleep, devoid of a smile, and disillusioned, with nothing in life meaningful to him. His personal physicians predicted he would die within a year, dragging through that year in excruciating pain. As he approached his end, a profound realization struck him one morning: he understood he could not take any of his wealth with him into the next world. The man who could control the business world suddenly recognized that he was not in control of his own life. This realization presented him with a choice. 

Rockefeller made a pivotal decision. He called in his attorneys, accountants, and managers and announced that he wanted to channel his vast assets toward hospitals, research, and charitable endeavours. This choice not only led to the establishment of the Rockefeller Foundation but also catalysed significant advancements in medicine, including the discovery of penicillin and cures for diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, and diphtheria. Perhaps the most astonishing aspect of Rockefeller’s story is that once he began to give back a portion of all that he had earned, his health transformed. Initially expected to die at 53, he defied the odds and lived to the age of 98. Before his death, Rockefeller reflected on his life in his diary, writing: 

“God taught me that everything belongs to Him, and I am only a channel to comply with His wishes. My life has been one long, happy holiday thereafter; full of work and full of play, I dropped the worry on the way, and God was good to me every day." 

This profound transformation resonates deeply with the teachings of Scripture. In Proverbs 11:25, we are reminded, “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” Jesus also teaches in Acts 20:35, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Our calling as followers of Christ is not just to seek personal fulfillment but to embrace the joy that comes from pouring out our lives in love and service to others. 

As we strive to grow in our faith, let us reflect on how we can channel our resources—be they time, talents, or treasure—toward others. How can we be vessels of God’s grace and love in our community and beyond? Let us take inspiration from Rockefeller's transformative experience and recognize that through giving, we may also find healing and wholeness, drawing us closer to God and to one another. 

With love in Christ, David Peñate