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Hope you had a blessed week! This week I want to share a story that resonates deeply with our journey of faith and inspires us to stay committed to Christ: the powerful story behind the hymn, "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus", (you may have heard this song before). This beloved song is more than just a melody we sing, it is a profound declaration of faith that has echoed through the ages, reminding us of what it means to follow Jesus wholeheartedly.

The origins of this hymn can be traced back to the early 1900s in the north-eastern region of India, particularly, in the state of Meghalaya. A courageous Welsh missionary—inspired by a heart for the lost—set out on a mission to share the Gospel with the local tribes. Ignoring warnings about the potential dangers that lay ahead, he ventured into the unknown, believing that every soul deserved to hear about God’s love.

It was in this remote village that he encountered a man named Nokseng, who, along with his family, embraced the message of Christ. Nokseng’s life became a testament to unwavering faith, as he found hope and purpose in his newfound relationship with Jesus. However, not everyone was receptive. The village chief was vehemently opposed to Nokseng's conversion. In an attempt to deter him, the chief threatened Nokseng, demanding that he renounce his faith. In that moment of intense pressure, Nokseng stood firm and boldly declared, “I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back.” His declaration was powerful—a deep commitment to Christ that inspired not only his own heart but also those around him.

The chief—enraged—took drastic measures. He ordered the execution of Nokseng's children in front of him. Even in the face of unimaginable loss, Nokseng remained resolute. When confronted again, he replied, “Though no one joins me, still I will follow.” His courage was unwavering, even as tragedy struck. The chief attempted to break his spirit, but Nokseng’s faith was unshakeable. Finally, the chief ordered the execution of Nokseng’s wife. In that moment, he proclaimed, “the cross before me, the world behind me, no turning back.”

It was in the midst of this heart-wrenching ordeal that something remarkable happened. The witness of Nokseng’s steadfast faith touched the hearts of the villagers, including the chief himself. Overwhelmed by the power of Nokseng’s commitment to follow Jesus, the chief ultimately declared his faith and was baptised along with many others in the village.

Today, when we sing, "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus", we join a chorus that transcends time, honouring the incredible legacy of Nokseng and the transformative power of faith. His story serves as a reminder that true commitment to Christ can shine brightly, even in dark circumstances.

As we gather to worship this week, let us hold fast to the spirit of Nokseng’s declaration. Whatever challenges we face in our lives, may we affirm together that there is: N O  T U R N I N G  B A C K!

With love,  David Peñate

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