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I hope you had a blessed week. As we journey together in faith, it's a joy to connect and share reflections that uplift our spirits. Today, I want to take a moment to explore a beautiful and profound gift: the Joy of the Lord. But what does it truly mean to experience this joy in our everyday lives?

Imagine for a moment—a child running through a field of wildflowers, laughter spilling from their lips as they chase after a butterfly. This pure joy is much like the joy of the Lord; it’s a state of being that is vibrant, overflowing, and remarkably contagious. This joy isn’t dependent on our circumstances; it's rooted in the unwavering love of our Heavenly Father.

Here's how we can incorporate the joy of the Lord into our daily lives: 
Firstly, find Joy in the Ordinary. During your morning coffee/tea or juice, take a moment to pause and thank God for the simple pleasure of that first sip. Allow this act to ground you in gratitude, reminding you that happiness often lies in life’s little moments. Secondly, share Joy with Others. When we serve others, we often experience God’s joy. Volunteer at a local food bank, help a neighbour with groceries, or even share a meal with someone in need. These acts of kindness not only uplifts others but also cultivates joy within us. And lastly, embrace challenges with Joy. Life is not without its trials. When faced with difficulties, remember the story of Paul in Philippians 4:4, where he encourages us to "rejoice in the Lord always." By looking for the silver linings and lessons in our struggles, we can cultivate a deeper sense of joy that transcends our immediate hardships.

Consider the story of a gardener tending to a vibrant garden. At times, weeds sprout unexpectedly, but rather than allowing them to overtake the flowers, the gardener embraces the challenge. With diligence and care, the beauty of the garden shines even brighter. Likewise, when we face life's weeds—stress, frustration, or disappointment—let's remember that the Joy of the Lord helps us nurture the beauty within and around us.

With the Joy of the Lord, we transform our perspectives. As the familiar hymn goes, "This joy that I have, the world didn’t give it to me." It is a lasting joy that can shine even in the darkest moments. So dear friend, how’s the Joy of the lord in your life? Absent? Active? Let’s ask God to fill us with that joy that only comes from His goodness into our lives!

On another note, BIG Camp commences on Friday 13th and runs until the 21st. I look forward to worshiping with you at camp, but for those who are not able to attend, our Park Ridge church will remain open but with a very simplified worship program for both Sabbath school and the main service. For details of all other programs during big camp please refer to the church website or the programming email that is sent every Sunday.

May your days be filled with the Joy of the Lord—let it be your strength!

In His Joy,  David Peñate

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