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hope you’ve had a wonderful couple of weeks, and as we turn to the end of the year, I hope these last couple of months of 2024 will be a blessing.

As I sit at the kitchen table with my lively three-year-old daughter, I am constantly reminded of how powerful and transformative questions can be. Each day seems to be a delightful expedition filled with her curious inquiries: “Why is the sky blue? Why do we have to brush our teeth? Why do we say 'Amen' after prayers?” These sweet, innocent questions lead us to conversations that deepen her understanding of the world and prompt me to reflect on my own faith journey.

In a similar way, our journey with God is filled with questions. Did you know that Jesus, in His earthly ministry, asked 307 questions? He was asked 183 questions himself but chose to answer only three. This might lead us to wonder—could it be that Jesus is the question to all of our answers?

Consider God's first words after the Fall, “Where are you?” Or His profound inquiry to Moses, “What have you got in your hand?” These are not just rhetorical questions; they invite us into a relationship and encourage us to reflect. When God appeared to Elijah on Mount Sinai, He asked, “Why are you here?” And when Jesus first spoke in the Gospel of John, He questioned, “What are you doing here?” Throughout the Bible, we see this theme of divine questioning. Jesus, with tenderness, asked Bartimaeus, “What do you want me to do for you?” He looked at the man who had been disabled for 38 years and simply asked, “Do you want to get well?” On resurrection morning, He tenderly inquired of Mary Magdalene, “Woman, why are you crying?”

Perhaps what these moments teach us is not that God is seeking answers from us—He already knows our needs—but rather that our vulnerability in asking opens the door to a deeper relationship. It's through these questions that we articulate our desires, fears, and hopes, helping us to engage with God more fully. When we cultivate a relationship with the Lord, we become aware that His priority is to cultivate friendship with us. It’s easy to expect God to come to us in loud, thunderous ways, but more often than not, He tiptoes in quietly, waiting for us to invite Him in.

So, dear friends, embrace your questions. Just as my little girl’s inquisitive mind drives us to explore and learn new things together, let us approach our faith with that same curiosity. This week, I encourage you to ask God your questions, whether they are profound or mundane. You might be surprised at the wisdom He wants to share in return.

Let us remember that in every question, every moment of uncertainty, Jesus is present, inviting us into deeper understanding, connection, and fellowship. Together, let’s explore the questions of our hearts and allow them to lead us closer to Him—the answer to all our questions.

In His love and grace,  David Peñate

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